Do I need a dental crown?

Smiling girl in hatBreakage, damage, injury, and large areas of decay may require a patient to consider the benefits of a popular dental restoration known as a dental crown. When we think of crowns, we may think of royalty, but a dental crown is anything but! Learn more about dental crowns and when you might need one!

What is a dental crown?

Even though tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in the human body, it is still susceptible to damage, decay, and infection. When problems happen to the tooth, such as deep cavities or an injury, it may require the patient to have a dental crown placed. A dental crown is a porcelain restoration sometimes known as a “cap” that covers the visible portion of the natural tooth above the gumline. It does this to both protect and strengthen a tooth that might be weakened from a large cavity or previous procedures such as a root canal. Additionally, patients who have certain conditions such as bruxism might experience damage to their teeth that might require strengthening using a crown as well.

Do I need a dental crown?

There are several situations in which a patient might require a dental crown:

  • Teeth that are worn from clenching and grinding of the teeth
  • Teeth damaged from a direct hit/injury
  • Teeth that have had root canal therapy and are weakened
  • Teeth with large cavities in which most of the structure is compromised

During an appointment with our team at Montefiore Medical Center of New York, patients will be advised by their dental provider if they could benefit from the placement of a dental crown.

Avoid spending time with a damaged tooth and get the care you need

Patients who are not proactive about their oral health may experience a wide array of issues over time, often expensive and invasive procedures needed to reverse damage. Instead, speak to a dental provider at Montefiore Medical Center to discuss your dental health needs. Our team is here to provide dental crowns and other restorations to protect the restore the smile. Call (888) 700-6623 to request an appointment at any one of our 11 locations throughout the New York area.

Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Crown

