Things I’m Loving Friday #406

Helloooo! Friday is here! How are you guys feeling? Our week had some ups and downs but a healthy dose of perspective came my way as I read more about the conflict in Ukraine. It’s been a heavy week and we are joining in the prayers for Ukraine and those impacted by the invasion.

On a personal note, one of the bigger things that took place in our home this week was a meeting with a realtor to discuss selling our house. I’m not going to lie, I feel like I could break out in hives just thinking of trying to sell our house while juggling three kids, toys, crumbs and messes but we’ve been assured it’s doable. I’ve talked to exactly zero people who have said moving with kids in the mix is enjoyable but we’ll get there and I’m sure it will be an adventure.

As for the weekend ahead, we don’t have too much on our agenda. We’re having friends over for dinner this evening and then the rest of our weekend is wide open. For now, I wanted to dive into my usual roundup of weekly favorites! Scroll on down to see the little things that are making me smile this week!

Things I’m Loving Friday 

A white matte gooseneck electric kettle was on my Christmas wish list this year. Call me bougie, but the gooseneck style felt like the perfect combination of funky and fancy and I loved the look! You better believe I was thrilled when I received this white gooseneck electric kettle from my parents. I make a hot mug of tea or a tea latte almost every afternoon during the colder months of the year and pouring hot water out of my electric kettle is one of those small things that brings me big joy. I love that you can select your ideal hot water temperature and the kettle will keep it at that temperature for up to 120 minutes. This is especially handy if I want a hot mug of tea in the morning and then run out of time to make it as I’m dashing out the door to take the boys to school. Arriving home to perfectly hot water ready to pour over my tea bag feels like a treat!

Oh and of course I have to give a shout out to my . It was a gift from Creature Man Chase and has quickly become one of my favorites!

  • Your $10 or Less Favorites

When I shared more about our Galentine’s Day Favorite Things dinner on the blog and Instagram last week, I put out a call to you guys to share your favorite finds valued at $10 or less. I wanted to put your favorites together in a master list because I figured I cannot be the only one who finds lists like this incredibly interesting! Plus, some of my favorite finds have come from your recommendations!

Note: Some of these items may be slightly more than $10 by a dollar or two but I still wanted to include everything mentioned by all of you! 




  • Target’s Archer Farms Tomatillo Salsa
  • Frooze Balls
  • Dove Waffle Cone Promises


I have always been a sweets person versus a salty person. Salty snacks like chips and pretzels aren’t something that call to me the way chocolate or ice cream does but occasionally I stumbled upon chips that knock my socks off and can’t keep my hand out of the bag. This happened recently with Chicas Chips, a random addition I added to a recent Thrive Market delivery. Oh my gosh you guys, these things are magical. You know the tortilla chips you get at restaurants that are extra greasy but still really crisp and somehow not too heavy? That’s THESE CHIPS. The whole bag tastes like the best kind of restaurant chips with a unique soy lime flavor. I immediately ordered more and am anxiously awaiting their arrival.

P.S. If you ever want to try Thrive Market, my affiliate link will get you 40 percent off your first order. This post has a bunch of my Thrive Market hauls in one place if you’d like to check them out! Clearly Chicas Chips will be finding their way into my hauls in the future!

wordle memeswordle memes

A few weeks ago, Wordle was one of my weekly favorites and the lovefest continues over here. My mom, Ryan and I are all so into it and have fun discussing strategies and how many tries it took us to guess the word each day. If you’re also on the Wordle bandwagon, I hope these Wordle tweets make you smile. The obsession is real!

I’m sharing this one for the local readers out there! Even though we haven’t been in quite a while (#kids), Kindred is one of our favorite local restaurants. When we heard the husband-wife team behind Kindred was opening another spot in the area, we couldn’t wait to try it out. Milkbread is Joe and Katy Kindred’s latest creation and the restaurant came to life after they began selling doughnuts made out of their incredibly popular milkbread during the pandemic. We loved the doughnuts when they first served them on a temporary basis back in 2020 and we love them even more now that we can get them whenever we want at Milkbread! I’ve heard great things about Milkbread’s coffee and other menu options as well but right now I can only speak to the doughnuts and they’re worth the hype, especially if you bring them home and heat them up for 5 second in the microwave. YUM.

Easy BBQ Meatloaf (I’ve been making and loving this one for years!)

Easy BBQ Meatloaf

Ways to Involve Kids in Cooking (Our boys genuinely love to “help” in the kitchen and this post shares some of the ways we involve them in cooking and baking.)

Question of the Day

What is one thing making you smile this week? 
